APIS is an innovative protocol that leverages cutting-edge
technologies in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and financial
analysis to create a powerful trading bot
The AI-driven protocol, built on Rust, Python, TypeScript, and Deno, integrates with the ByBIT exchange to trade futures contracts and provides users with real-time trading reports via Telegram bot
The main goal of aiAPIS is to create a collective revenue share model in which the income generated by the trading bot is shared among the project token holders, offering passive income opportunities
Contract Address:
Total Supply
Initial Liquidity
Phase I (Q4 2024 - Q1 2025)
Launching a trading account on ByBIT with a $20,000 capital
Integration with the Telegram bot for publishing real-time trading alerts and reports
Demonstrating the bot’s effectiveness during one month of public trading
Developing a community management bot that guarantees access to a private Telegram group exclusively for verified holders, preserving exclusivity, without the need for wallet signature verification
Deployment of the aiAPIS token on the Ethereum chain
Creation of a community trading account on ByBIT, where 30% of all taxes will be allocated to fund the account
Phase II (Q1 2025)
Phase III (Q1 2025)
Launching a staking program that enables token holders to stake their tokens and earn passive income from the profits generated by an trading bot
Trading using the community account, with profits distributed among token holders participating in staking
Providing holders with access to aiAPIS via an API protocol, enabling them to connect their personal account on ByBIT with permissions limited to trading on behalf of the owner, without authorization for fund withdrawals
Integration of enhanced community account management and reporting features
Scaling to other centralized exchanges for trading and expanding trading pairs
Improving AI algorithms to increase trading efficiency and market data analysis
Launch of additional services and tools for community members
Phase IV (Q2 - Q4 2025)
The APIS protocol offers not only access to trading alerts but also additional benefits through its profit-sharing system, enabling users to earn passive income